In 2001, five friends who grew up together in Omaha but were living in different parts of the country, came together in a neighborhood nicknamed Bagel. These friends, reunited at the tragic funeral of their good friend Jay Parsow, noted having a common interest in the mountains and tentatively decided to go skiing the next year. Coming together the next winter at Copper Mountain, they skied and honored their friend by playing music together.
This tradition has spanned decades.
Each year the group—and the music—grew, at one point including over 30 people (including Jays sons Aaron and Charles). After one member of the group wrote the song “Bagel Boys Over 50”, the name stuck, and they adopted the moniker as their own.
The ski trip has dwindled to a handful who are still able to ski, but the Bagel Boys continue to play music in each other’s houses and in 2012, the group first performed for an audience at the Bagel Boys Music Fest—a tribute to their dear friend, Jay. Donations from the event went to the Dr. Jay Parsow Youth Basketball Fund. Sixteen in all, The Bagel Boys reside across six states.
B’nai Israel Living History Synagogue is thrilled to host five of the current band members—Michael Muskin, David Kutler, Mark Sanford, Bob Adler and Pat Aylward—at a Hanukkah celebration and jam session during our 2nd Friday Monthly Shabbat Services on December 8th—also the second night of Hanukkah 2023.
Please join us for music, community, and light on a fun-filled Hanukkah night to remember.
The Oneg is sponsored by: Margo Parsow